Terms & Conditions

  • (a) Particulars are prepared for the convenience and general guidance only of an intended purchaser or tenant and, although they are believed to be correct, complete and current, no guarantee is given that they are correct, complete and current and they do not obviate the need to make appropriate searches, enquiries and inspections. They are made without responsibility on the part of Everard Cole or the Clients. Any error, omission or misdescription shall not arrest or annul the sale, or be grounds for rescission or on which compensation may be claimed and neither do they constitute any part of an offer or a contract;
  • (b) None of the statements contained in these Particulars as to the property are to be relied upon as statements or representations of fact and any intending purchaser or tenant must satisfy himself, by inspection or otherwise, as to the correctness of each of the statements contained in the Particulars;
  • (c) The Clients do not make or give, and neither Everard Cole, nor any person in their employment has any authority to make or give, any representation or warranty whatever in relation to the property. The word "property" where used in these Terms and Conditions shall, unless the context otherwise requires, include business and trade contents (if any) included in the sale or lease and, in particular, neither the Clients nor Everard Cole give any warranties, express or implied, as to title, quantity, quality and fitness for the purpose in relation thereto;
  • (d) Because of the changing nature of business activity, no representation or warranty is given that the Particulars on this Website are accurate complete or current. Liability for losses arising from any reliance on information contained on the Website or in the Particulars or inability to use or access the materials in or to or from this Website is disclaimed;
  • (e) Users of this Website are put on notice that Everard Cole do not knowingly breach or provide access for or otherwise aid potential infringers of third party copyrights.